May 20, 2016



Craig J Hunter is an experienced real estate mortgage broker, developer and investor. Over the course of his career, he has financed over $500 million of commercial real estate loans and executed 100’s of real estate transactions. In addition, Mr. Hunter has completed multiple planned real estate communities, heading up all aspects from land acquisition, entitlement, financing, capital partners, investor relations, construction, and development. Since “1992” Mr. Hunter started and successfully operated several companies in the real estate industry, including construction and development companies as well as his own real estate mortgage brokerage firm. Being involved in such a wide variety of real estate related companies, Mr. Hunter has gained experience and perspectives from multiple fronts. Understanding how each side of a transaction thinks and operates offers a market advantage to his clients when sourcing, managing, vetting and underwriting real estate opportunities. His public service and extensive business experience has allowed Mr. Hunter to do what he enjoys; working with sophisticated and knowledgeable people to provide mutually beneficial opportunities and solutions to complicated real estate transactions.

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